
I didn’t understand bullying when I was a boy and I do not understand it today. Why do we bully? Is there anything positive about bullying? Is it connected to fascism, to abuse? Is bullying by males any different than bullying by females? Young men are full of power and danger that needs to be […]

Got Cancer

In this poem I tackle one of the words about cancer I really do not like.  Doing so has given me some relief. Something I can tackle. I wrote this after I learned that someone close had been diagnosed with cancer. Please send any thoughts  you may have about words and cancer.

Copying My Dad

I remember thinking my Dad was being uncharacteristically dramatic when, after buying a new Ford Crown Victoria in 1981, he said it would be the last car he would ever buy. Now that I am the same age as he was then, I understand. Sweet memories. I wish he was still with us – I […]

Moving On

This is humbling. I do not have cancer. My energy is returned. I went for a run and I was not tired. I wonder how much of my tiredness before was related to low iron and how much to fear. Anyhow this old boat seems to be a good metaphor for me/my life – I […]

I Am Cancer

I apologize for my absence. I have been tired for several months, I have been afraid and I have been denying that I am afraid. For a long time, I said to myself that I was only afraid of screwing up the process of posting. And while it is true that I do not enjoy […]


Poison. Betrayal. Despair. When I wrote this poem, I was flailing about. It seemed so unjust that my body, and in particular, that part of my body which had, throughout my life, brought unimaginable physical and spiritual pleasure, would now possibly be the source of my death. If you find this poem and my thoughts […]


I have had what seems to me to be an odd experience with fear as I went through the stages of diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Odd in that I did not actually feel afraid. I knew that my cancer could kill me, but I didn’t go into it. Instead, I put a lot of energy […]

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