Ripped Out: Finding Words to Get Through Prostate Cancer

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Beginning with my diagnosis 2006, I began to write everyday about what was happening to me and  how I was reacting. Eventually, I transposed my daily journal writings into a book called Ripped Out: One Man’s Journey Surviving Prostate Cancer.

Writing everyday saved me from despair. Pulling those writings into a book was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

Most of my daily comments took the form of a poem. The one on the right, ‘Ripped Out’, gave voice to what I had done. I somehow felt, in part, that I had let myself down. It felt very good to say sorry to my body.

The whole experience was difficult for me to understand –  complicated. Writing the poem somehow let it all out and helped me to move on.

I would very much like to hear from others of their (your) experience. Did it feel like part of you had been ripped out?

Thank you.

Bill Martin


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